
Savage Worlds Material



asavageworldsgm @ gmail.com

About Page

Savage Worlds is a Table-Top Role Playing Game (RPG) from Pinnacle Inc.

This page includes utilities and tools developed for this game system or other utilities.

Material is offered as-is under the Pinnacle Fan License


This page contains information on a variety of products (free) I created to help in Game Mastering (GMing) my own Savage Worlds campaigns. This includes PDF documents of settings or adventures I'm working on (drivethruRPG.com mostly).

General Game Aids

Carl's Combat Flow Chart

I found a flow chart a few years ago for a previous edition and I decided to do one for SWADE. It takes someone through step-by-step from the first decision on melee or ranged fire through damage.

You can download the document here.

Quick Raise Reference

Just print this out and hand out to your players or on your screen. One glance when you know the target and the trait roll for success and raises. Sure it's just math, but sometimes your mind is thinking more about your next move.

You can download the file here.

Savage Worlds Brain-Dead Roller

This is simple HTML/Javascript rolling application that includes exploding dice, wild die, and something that shows success and raises.

You can Let's Roll Some Dice

Savage Worlds Bonus Calculator

This is simple HTML/Javascript webpage that allows you to select all the factors for your attack (e.g. range, wild attack, wounds, etc.) and have the page calculate the bonus or penalties to apply to the roll.

You can Let's See Your Bonuses

Savage Worlds Fan Original Song

Yes, I wrote a song for Savage Worlds. You can listen to it on my music page.

You can Time to Rock and Roll!

Roll20 API - Savage Worlds Raise Roller

This is a Roll20 API script that provides a rolling script that shows all the target numbers a roll succeeds (with raises).

You can Let's custominze Roll20!

Excel Utilities

Mook Roller

This is an Excel sheet (compatible with LibreOffice and a version for Mac Numbers) that assists a GM with his bands of mooks (or minions if you prefer). Just enter the name of the group and basic statistics and each time you recalculate the dice are rolled while success and raises are calculated automatically. It is a big time saver for me.

You can download the document here.

Loot Roller Extreme

The Loot Roller Extreme provides and Excel sheet that allows a GM to create a set of tables that can be reandomly choosen from. It is done by both the odds of a particular type and by the rarity of the items. This is useful for loot boxes, chest contents, random dungeon tables, or even random plot hooks.

You can download the template sheet here.

Here is an example to show you how to use it as well. First, finding loot boxes in a Fallout style game and a random dungeon trappings sheet.

Adventures and Settings

Nano Mage for Savage Worlds

The Nano-Mage is the embodiment of Clarke's "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." The Nano-Mage takes advantage of the advance miniaturization and melding of man and machine from the ancient civilization before "The Fall." Each Mage has an incredibly complex chip that seamlessly links their consciousness to a swarm of nanomachines that allows the Mage to perform impossible feats.

Nano-Mages are suited for post-apocalyptic games or far future fantasy games where a previous mysterious civilization existed. The goal is to provide an Arcane background that can fit into a post-apocalyptic world with a different feel from the typical psionic

Available Now!
Post Apoc Magic!
Available Now!
Vampire Empire

Vampire Empire is a setting where humans must stay vigilant against a vampire threat that s􏰀ll exists in a modern world. The world consists of two con􏰀nents separated by ocean. One is populated by vampires and their minions while the other is home to free humans.

This was not always the case. For all of history, vampires had subjugated humans while treating them as slaves and cattle for their perverse appe􏰀tes. Ruthless vampire rulers kept man illiterate and ignorant. The threat of torture, blood sacrifice, and death kept man in his place with little hope.

However, 1500 years ago a band of humans dared to strike out across the sea and landed in what they called Terreslointain (“The New Land”). This new con􏰀nent was found to have great riches of land and resources. The land’s greatest feature: it was devoid of vampires. Humans thrived and lived free for the first time in history. The new world was unknown to the masters of human misery and became a refuge.

Over intervening years, humans have grown in sophistication and technology while the worry of vampires receded into memory. Some citizens are complacent and believe the threat is imagined. Others believe that vampires should be our friends and fight against the government. The threat is s􏰀ll real as the creatures of the old land try to destabilize and infiltrate human civilization. With little current knowledge of the vampire lands, who can tell if a great force is building or what the vampires are capable of. Fortunately, there are those who fight against the creatures of the night. Those who are charged with keeping Terreslointain safe from forces from the old world and at home. You are part of this team. You are agents of the Homeland Security Force (HSF).

Protect Humankind!
Coming 2020
Just Another Bug Hunt Adventure

Once it was clear Earth wasn't immune to hand of man, bright minds made giant leaps in a little over a century to change science fiction into science fact...but only if there was a profit. The Fusion Space Folding technology enabled travel to the stars within the lifetime of a human enabling scientific discoveries unheard of. Adding in the learnings of over a century of cryonics pioneers, the ability to send people on long journeys in cryostasis became a reality. Soon man travelled between planets looking for homes and resources and was confronted with universe filled with a plethora of creatures­­both intelligent and animalistic. One age­old question finally answered: we were not alone. Unfortunately, none of these new species were particularly happy with our arrival

As part of the Marine Expeditionary Corps, you are a member of an elite squadron supporting the push of man into the void. You are the tip of the spear against foes man has never seen before and those humans who are enemies of the commonwealth.

Bug Hunt!
Coming 2020
Just Another Bug Hunt Adventure

As you activate, the blaring of sirens and flashing lights assault your senses. You can see the starship is drifting motionless in a nebula and the control panel is conveying the enormity of the situation. In microseconds, you assess that the computer has decided you are the ships last hope and has activated you. The computer's voice is not reassuring even with the unemotional calmness in the electronic voice: "Warning: Life Support Anomalies", "Warning: Propulsion Sensor Errors and Failures", "Warning: Collision Detected". This is the moment you were designed for. The reason your AI deep learning networking wet­ware was created. You will not fail at the reason you exist. Your programming executes the command to review memory file 001. You are ready to report to the crewmember in charge if you can only find them.

In this Savage Worlds adventure, you play a robotic support unit that finds itself in the middle of a hell storm of failing systems and the Oregon Trail drifting in space. You are challenged to understand why and bring failed systems back online before it is too late for the crew and the success of the mission.

Save the Ship!
Coming 2020