Carl Davis's -- HTML Editor Reviews
Feedback and Suggestions
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What do you have to say?
I welcome information from readers! Please help me to better serve you
by following a few guidelines (of course, this is prime for a form, but
this page's current locations do not have CGI access), so select what you
want to talk about:
Editor Suggestion
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Document ]
If you have a suggestion for a package to review, please:
- Include the package's name.
- Include the URL where I can find the editor.
- If your a satisfied user, tell me what you think is great
about it!
- If your a developer, please include any necessary registration
details (registration files or keys). Even if you have a trial version,
I need a registered copy to keep on my hard drive (I like to execute the
package again when users make comments or I add new categories to
comparison matrix).
- Send me the email...
Comment on an Editor
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Document ]
If you have some thoughts on an editor I've reviewed, please:
- Include the package's name.
- Clearly explain any mistakes you believe I've made. Please, avoid "flaming"
me. I can make mistakes and never would intentionally try to mislead any
of my readers.
- Also, please let me know if I can use your comments on my "user
comments" pages.
- Send me the email...
Suggestion or Comment on Site
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Document ]
I love hearing from readers. Some of the best ideas for improvements
have come from readers like you. If you want to give me some feedback on
the site in general or make some suggestions, please:
- Please make sure your return address is correct, so I can correspond
with you about your suggestions.
- Don't "flame" me. I don't intentionally break links, or
incorporate hard to use features. However, as with all sites, sometimes
things fall between the cracks. Some valuable insight might be lost if I
ignore people who "flame".
- Please include a reference to the page or area that you comment is
about. For example, if you find a broken link, please tell me where.
- Send me the email...
Need Help or Some Other Information.
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Document ]
If none of the categories fit...just
email me. If your looking for some help, please:
- Before asking a question, check my FAQ for
possible answers.
- Don't ask how to buy a package or contact vendors. Go to each
vendor's site for that kind of information. Each review has a link to
the package's developer's site.
- Be specific when asking a question on HTML.
- If your having problem using your package, contact the developer
first. Their technical support people should (I hope!) know more about
the package than I do.
- Please do not ask questions that are already covered on the site.
Explore the entire site before asking a question which may already
answered in each editors review and the comparison matrix! (for example,
"tell me which editors support frames..."). I have very little
time to answer questions and try to focus on one's that aren't covered.
If it's on the site, you'll probably get an email in a few days telling
you to look around some more.
- I do have some "picks", but generally cannot answer the
question: "Could you tell me which editor to buy or is best?"
If there was a single "best" package for everyone, the market
would be much smaller! Use the
selection applet and the comparison
matrix to help you make an informed decision.
- So go ahead and send me the

This page is brought to you by:
Carl Davis
copyright © 1995,96 Carl Davis
Permission to duplicate is NOT granted unless expressly
given by the author
Last Update: 22-Sep-97 19:45
Page processed by Carl Davis's - HTML Processor