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Carl Davis's -- HTML Editor Reviews

Please note: This page is not being updated. Use for historical purposes only.

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"Objective and detailed reviews of HTML creation tools, packages, and applications used to develop, maintain, and author web pages and content."



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Editor Comparison Matrix
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!!! NEWS !!!
22-Sep-97 19:45

PLEASE NOTE: This page is no longer being updated. It should only be used for historical reference.

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Just updated the review for HoTMetaL Pro. Version 4.0 adds significant extras--Ulead's image editor, JavaScript development tool, better graphical look. Still one of my absolute favorites. Also looked at Netscape's Composer (part of Communicator suite). This tool is not for power users, but should be great for simple pages.

HOT!! For everyone who is overwhelmed by the size of the comparison matrix (>30 editors and >60 categories), I've created a Java based applet which allows you to select which editors and categories to build a matrix for. You can quickly check your top choices against each other using the topics you think are important!!! Check out the new Matrix Viewer on the comparison matrix page.

Last Updated: 22-Sep-97 19:45

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